Pronunciation:omusubi おむすび
Meaning:rice ball

It is also called "onigiri" , but the triangular shaped one is especially called "omusubi" .
There are various theories.
The origin of the word "omusubi" is said to mean to “tie” together.
In the Kojiki(Records of Ancient Matters), there was a god who gave birth to all things, and some people believe that the word originated from the name of this god.
There is also a theory that rice was made in the shape of a mountain to get power from the god.
The triangular shape of the rice imitates the shape of the mountain where the god is believed to dwell.
And it is said that by eating omusubi, the god of the mountain and the person eating the rice were connected, and the people were trying to obtain the power of the god.
There are also various theories as to the origin of the word “onigiri”, from which the word "grasp(nigi-ru)" is derived.
Some people believe that it was called "oni(鬼)-giri(斬り)" meaning "demon slayer," to ward off evil.
In any case, since it is made by hand, the love and prayer for the safety is put into the hands of the person making it.
It quickly replaces energy, is filling, and energizing.
The photo is of my lunch.
It is getting hotter, please take good care of yourself with nutrition.
Have a good day!