Hanging Scroll of Sakura(Sumi-e and Japanese Calligraphy poem)
112cm x 40cm/500USD (including shipping fee)
あしひきの山桜花ひとめだに君としみてば我れ恋ひめやも (万葉集 大伴家持)
If I could look at the sakura in the mountains with you, I wouldn't miss the flowers like this.
(I miss the sakura so much because I can't see them with you.I want to see these sakura with you, even if it is just for a glance.)
by Yakamochi Ootomo/Manyoshu
This artwork is the collaboration of sumi-e and Japanese calligraphy.
The poem is by Yakamochi Ootomo from the Manyoshu.The Manyoshu is the oldest existing collection of poetry in Japan, compiled from the late 7th to the late 8th century.
This poem was written about 1300 years ago, and I imagine that the sakura he saw had the same fleeting beauty as the ones I see at present day.Seeing sakura 1,300 years ago, people became emotional and composed poems about their feelings.
1,300 years later, people still feel emotional and marvel at sakura.
I created this work because I think it is wonderful and precious that people can see the same beautiful and fragile things and feel the same emotions, even though the time period is different.
Also, in this poem, he expressed he wanted to see the sakura with his loved ones at a glance.I feel that even today, when we see something beautiful or eat something delicious, we share the same feelings of wanting to share it with our loved ones.
I believe that this feeling is precious and beautiful.
I wanted to express sakura spreading out before our eyes, the feeling of being emotional by the sight of sakura and the desire to share something beautiful with loved ones. So I created this work as a pink hanging scroll.
In Japan, people change the hanging scrolls according to the season, but I hope you will hang this scroll to appreciate sakura regardless of the season, when you want to feel rich or when you want to think of your loved ones.
Thank you.
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